Monday, February 23, 2009

Monster Truck Show

For Valentine's weekend we went to Portland to go to the Monster Truck show. We left in the morning to do some shopping and playing around in Portland since the show wasn't until 7:30pm Sat. night. Well-on our way up we stopped at Target and Chris had a seizure in the store. We were brought to the hospital and we waited there for 4 hours while Chris had tests. Then finally the Doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him so he was released to go. Needless to say we got to our hotel, took a quick nap, and still made it to the show. The show was a lot of fun and Carson had a blast. The people in front of us were even commenting on how still Carson sat-that's because he LOVES Monster trucks (or "Edgibee"-that's what he calls it).

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