Sunday, April 25, 2010

Amy and Rustys' Boy shower!

Amy and Rusty are fostering 2 boys right now (most likely will be adopting!). Thomas is 5 yrs. old and Joshua is 8 weeks old. They most likely will get the boys permanently so we went ahead and threw them a BOY shower. Soozee and I hosted the shower,at the church building, and it was a great turn out. Amy and Rusty needed stuff for both Thomas and baby stuff for Joshua so we called it a BOY shower. We had fun and it took a while for them to open all the gifts. Everyone was so giving. I found this idea to make a diaper "cake" and it turned out really cute. Amy didn't want to take the "cake" apart. I'm glad that we were able to throw them a shower and that they finally have been blessed with children in their lives.

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