Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt-Saturday

We brought the kids to the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Stewart Park in Roseburg. It is always a big event! Carson was so excited to get the eggs but then when the time came-he got about 3 eggs and then turned towards me and started getting upset. He didn't want to do it anymore-so I went out there with him and helped him get eggs. Then Holly and Thomas had their turn. Holly did good-but she has an interesting tactic when getting the eggs. Instead of grabbing all the ones closest to her-she grabs maybe two and then runs over to another section and gets a few more, then runs and gets more-you can see in the pictures she was way out in the middle of the field-it was funny to watch. Then we played on the swings for awhile and that is one of Holly's favorite thing to do. She loves to swing at school and at our house. Swinging is one of the few things she has mastered!

It was fun to have Amy and Rusty come with us this year, since they have Thomas, who is in Holly's kindergarten class. Holly and Carson love playing with Thomas!
We're excited to have everyone over on Easter Sunday this year!

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