Saturday, February 11, 2012

Holly's 8th Birthday

I can't believe Holly is 8.  It's a very exciting age.  Holly's getting ready to get baptized soon.  So on her B-day I made her favorite food for dinner.  Which was: Salmon, mac n cheese, and asparagus.  Ok-the asparagus isn't one of her favorite foods, but I told her she needs to have a veggie with dinner.  Then we took Holly out for frozen yogurt.

I love this stinker face that Shelby is making.  She loves sweets. 

Then we let Holly open presents from mom and dad.

Holly got her very own scriptures with her name on them from us.  She was very excited because she has been wanting her own scriptures for a while. 

Then Holly had her B-day party on Sat. Feb. 11th-she wanted a Wizard of Waverly Place party.  So-we made wizard hats, played games, did magic tricks for her friends, made edible wands, and drank some potions that made us do something silly.  Of course the girls ate lots of sugar.  It was a fun wizard party.
 I did wizard hat cupcakes instead of a cake.
 All the girls posing with their wizard hats.
 Grandpa Jones doing a magic trick.

                                           Opening presents. 

It was a fun week for Holly.  Now we need to prepare for her Baptism day.

1 comment:

Rusty and Amy said...

OH WOW! That's, like, her first big girl birthday party! Kinda. WOW! I love that Grandpa Jones did a magic trick! LOL!