Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween fun!

Fireman passing out glow bracelets


Halloween night-dancing to Monster Mash
(too much candy!!)


Carson-Thomas the Train

Holly-Vampire Princess



We had a lot of fun this Halloween. Carson had a Harvest party at his school where he got to dress up, play games, decorate a cookie, etc.- and I was able to be there. Saturday the 30th we went to Camp Millenium pumpkin patch where the kids got to play games, ride a train, go on a pumpkin ferris wheel, jumpy house, and win prizes. Then that night we went to the Trunk-or-treat for our ward and the kids got to play games at different booths and get candy. Then Halloween night we went to Amy and Rusty's for dinner and trick-or-treating. Even though it was Sunday-it was family time too-we took the kids around the block and then hung out with family and friends. I'm glad that we had a chance to do some fun things and the weather was great!! It has been raining a little, but it has been warm.

1 comment:

Rusty and Amy said...

Awww! Thanks for posting these, Jenelle! That was a great weekend with the kids, friends, and family!