Friday, November 2, 2012


There was an owl in the tree at the trunk-or-treat. 

We took the kids to the trunk-or-treat at our Stake Center. It was for the entire stake and there was a pretty good turn out.  After that then we took the kids around my sister- Denise's neighborhood.  We just went around to about 10 houses and then we were done.  Shelby was a little scared once it got dark and there were some scary props out in people's yard.  After each house, Shelby would cry for her daddy to hold her hand.  It was cute.  The kids loved dressing up this year.  They got a lot of candy.  At my work they were paying kids a $1 per pound of candy and then sending it to our troops.  So-I went in today with 3 lbs. of candy.  It was a fun Halloween.  Maybe next year Chris and I will have a chance to dress up too.

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