Friday, November 2, 2012

Riley is 4mo old

Riley is 4mo old today.  She is growing up so fast.  She rolled over all by herself yesterday-11/1/12.  She weighs 14.5 lbs. and measures 26" in length.  She is such a happy baby.  She smiles all the time, laughs, makes all kinds of noises.  Her new thing is spitting and smiling with her tongue out.  She grabs for everything.  She loves to have her family around her.  If I leave her in her chair I have to leave the TV on so she can see the colors and hear it because she likes that when she's awake.  She's been sleeping through the night for about a month now.  However, last night she woke up at 4 AM to eat.  She's pretty calm, except when she gets gas bubbles and then she screams until I get her to burp or give her some Mylicon drops.  Poor baby-that's heart wrenching when that happens.  Now that Riley's a little bit older she is doing better with not being colic.  Riley is such a wonderful baby.  We love having her in our family.  Her siblings just adore her too.

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