Monday, January 17, 2011

Carson's 4th Birthday

Carson turned 4 on Friday the 14th. It is a tradition now that on their Birthday we take them to Dairy Queen to get an ice-cream cone. So-we did that on Fri. night and then let Carson open presents from me and Chris. Then Sat. 15th we had Carson's B-day party in the cultural hall at our church building. That makes it so nice so I don't have all the kids at my house. Carson is really into Thomas the Tank engine-so that was his theme. I had lots of fun preparing for the party. We had activities, games, races, the bouncy house, along with the usual cake and presents. I made the trains out of boxes and used them for a bean bag toss game-where the kids had to toss coal in the engines and letters in Percy (he's the mail carrier train). Then we did a race with the same boxes. The kids had a blast with that-we had to do the races 3 or 4 times. Then the adults wanted to do it too. So after the party-we had our races on the track. Holly was in charge of the ticket drawing game-Holly handed each kid a ticket as they came to the "party station" and at the end of the party she drew the # ticket and the kids got prizes. Then I handed out gift bags that had items for trains and a thank you card that said "Tank" you for coming to my party! It was lots of fun. The party was only from 10-11:30, but I think that was a great amount of time for 4 yr. olds.
Then after the party the kids got to play at Nana and Papa's house-they got to watch movies and Carson got to play with some of his toys. They had a fun day. My baby boy isn't a baby anymore. He's a big boy now and doesn't like it when I call him my baby boy. He's now fully potty trained (not wetting his bed anymore) and asks me every night if he can wear his underwear to bed. He doesn't want to wear pull-ups anymore! YEAH!

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