Monday, January 17, 2011

Shelby is 4mo. old

My kids were all bald when they were babies. Shelby doesn't like the headbands so I only put them on her for special occasions or church. She also cries when I get her dressed up for church. I think she is going to be my tough girl-who doesn't like dresses. Other than that- she rarely cries. She is such a happy baby and now is recognizing more family other than me. She just loves her brother and Carson can make her laugh. She tries to roll over-but not there yet. She grabs and holds on to things. She takes a bottle no problem now and she is getting attached to a pacifier. I'm glad that she has adapted so well to mommy being at work. I love that when I get home she perks up immediately-she usually starts crying because she wants me to feed her. She's very easy going and I can usually tell what she wants. I can't believe how fast Shelby is growing.

1 comment:

Katherine Jeffries said...

Oh my word. So cute. I love how babies love kids. It kills me! kj