Monday, February 7, 2011

Shelby is 5mo. old

Shelby is 5mo. old today. I took this video this weekend. She has been talking so much lately and I finally got a good video of it. Usually I can never capture the moment because she sees the camera and stops doing whatever I'm trying to capture at the time, but it seems like she is getting better with that. It's so cute how she has been talking so much. She's almost rolling over-she's very close. I took Shelby to the Doctor the other day because she has been sick and she has an ear infection-she's on antibiotics and is now feeling better after 2 weeks of coughing. She's still congested, but the bad cough is gone. She weighs 14 lbs. 14 oz. and is 26 1/2 in. long-that was last Tues. Shelby just loves her brother and sister. She also just loves hanging out with her Daddy. Everytime Shelby is fussy and I can't figure out what she wants-I just hand her off to Chris and she calms down. She only wants me when she wants to be fed!! :) No-she still lights up when she sees me when I get home from work-I love it. I look forward to that everyday to see her happy face and then right away it turns into a cry because I'm home and she wants mommy. I'm still nursing and will continue to do as long as I can, since Shelby is such an easy baby-it actually makes nursing very easy-even with working full-time. She is still the best baby ever. I just adore her.

1 comment:

Katherine Jeffries said...

So much to say. And such a sweet voice. I wish I could cuddle her. You guys should come TOMORROW!! I want to hug all of your beautiful babies! Well done, mama!