Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shelby is talking

Shelby is already talking.  Last week she started saying a lot.  Her first word was DADA! She says MAMA, DEDE, NANA.  She has been laughing-I have yet to record that-but it is so cute.  The other night I was playing peek-a-boo and she was cracking up laughing.  She is such a happy baby.  She's still not rolling over yet, but I think she doesn't really care about that.  She also does this really funny "dance" (that's what we call it), when she is laying on her back she wiggles her entire body kindof like Stevie Wonder-it is so funny, but she wouldn't do it for me entirely when I was recording her.  I will have to record her doing her dance-because she will do it for a while over and over-it makes all of us laugh. 

1 comment:

Denise Stears said...

So Cute! I love her little noises. I did see her dance a little that was pretty funny.